A chemical is a natural substance having continuous chemical composition and intrinsic characteristic characteristics. Some names for the chemical elements include: organic, inorganic, semi-synthetic and inorganic. Some additional terms add that a chemical compound cannot separate its constituent parts by mechanical separation processes, i.e. without breaking molecular bonds.
A wide range of chemicals are produced by living things (e.g. oxygen) and are used for their intended purpose in human life (e.g. air-conditioning). Some chemical substances are naturally occurring, while others are produced artificially.
Human activity can cause the release of chemicals into the atmosphere. Pollution, waste disposal and industrial processes release large amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere. Chemical wastes that are created during a normal operation of a factory or other manufacturing unit may contain harmful substances that enter the water supply. The release of chemicals from factories to the environment may result in a number of undesirable consequences such as respiratory and skin irritation, damage to the soil, food chain etc.
Various kinds of chemicals may be classified into their respective classes and subclasses. The classes and subclasses of chemicals include organic compounds, inorganic compounds, non-reactive, toxic, greenhouse gas, carcinogen, neuropsychiatric chemicals and synthetic chemicals. There are also several sub-classes of chemicals classified under environmental hazards, which includes environmental chemicals, hazardous wastes containing nuclear waste. In addition, there are certain classifications based on their intended purposes.
There are various types of chemicals that have been developed and manufactured to serve different purposes. These include agricultural chemicals, water, food and drug agents, energy, explosives, lubricants, lubricating oils, lubrication systems, lubricant products and many more. There are numerous ways in which chemicals can be classified.
Organic chemicals are those that have chemical activity derived from organic compounds. They include food additives, preservatives derived from plant origin, as well as drugs (such as aspirin, ibuprofen and other generic and brand name drugs), pesticides (including insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers), lubricants, dyes and other pigment additives. {or bleaches etc. Some examples of organic chemicals that have chemical activity are alcohols, lye and hydrogen peroxide, lye water, ammonia and methanol.
Inorganic compounds include those that have no chemical activity but have the property of being solid. Examples of inorganic compounds include diamonds, tungsten and platinum.
Non-reactive chemicals are those that have chemical activity that is incapable of reacting with other compounds. Some examples of non-reactive chemicals include plastic materials (such as rubber and other polymers). Non-reactive chemicals also include some foods (such as vitamins) and some medicines (such as antibiotics). Some non-reactive chemicals also include some organic compounds (for example vitamins).
Reactive chemicals are those that react with other chemicals after contact. Examples of reactive chemicals are some metals and some gases.
Greenhouse gas emissions are the product of combustion of chemicals and other substances. and are considered a pollutant when released into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are pollutants that are the main cause of global warming and climate change. They are created when the concentration of chemicals and other substances in the atmosphere increases.
The types of chemicals may be categorized according to the harmfulness of the effect they have on human health and other living organisms. These classification of chemicals may include the following: carcinogens, neurotoxins, pollutants, air pollutants, irritants, toxic chemicals, hormones, carcinogens and neurotoxic chemicals. These are the most commonly used in order to classify these types of chemicals.
These hazardous wastes also form the basis for hazardous waste. They are usually disposed of in a proper manner at a landfill.
Another method by which hazardous waste is disposed off is by burning them in the landfill or by melting them down. These two methods may take a longer period of time and also involve much more pollution of the surrounding environment.
Other disposal methods are recycling, using biodegradable materials and reuse of the materials that have been used for producing these hazardous wastes. Recycling involves the process of utilizing all the chemical components of the substance while biodegradable materials may be used to produce a substance that is harmless for human consumption.
There are many environmental issues associated with the production of chemicals. One such problem is the disposal of the waste products resulting from the industrial processes. Other problems are related to the use of chemicals in medicine and food processing. It is also important to note that chemicals may cause allergic reactions in humans.
A few of the chemicals City Chemical LLC produces on their website are Nickel Monoxide (1313-99-1), Primuline (8064-60-6), Quininic Acid (86-68-0), Silicon Tetraiodide (13465-84-4), Silver Nitrate (7761-88-8), Tantalum Ethoxide (6074-84-6), Tetraethylgermanium (597-63-7), Tetraethylsilane (631-36-7), Triethylsilane (617-86-7), Zinc Chromate (13530-65-9), Zinc Silcofluoride (16871-71-9), 1,4-Naphthoquinone (130-15-4), 2,5-Dimethylindole (1196-79-8), 4-Chloro-2-nitrophenol (89-64-5), Antimony Trioxide (1309-64-4), Barium Manganate (7787-35-1), Benzyltrichlorosilane (770-10-5), Dibutyltin Sulfide (4253-22-9), Diphenic Acid (482-05-3). To learn more about City Chemical LLC visit citychemical.com.